Vanderbuilt is excited about renovating this beautiful cottage in Chilworth.
We started in July 2020. First area we tackled was the back garden. The garden came up to the house and was overgrown. We dug it out, placed sleepers in for a border and laid patio stones down. Next we dug foundations for the extension at the front and poured it. The next step was to demolish the dividing walls within the cottage to create an open plan for downstairs. There was a fireplace with a chimney to remove. Here are a few photos of the interior before we broke it out. We found the original construction of the inside walls very poor. Some crumbled down by themselves. The stairs was a shock too. It’s main support appears to go into the wall but on closer inspection it only rests on the plaster. New support going in there pronto. This is part of the package when you renovate something. Underneath the facade you never know what will come out. That’s why you need someone with knowledge and experience. Our engineer worked out how to support the structure down to a tee. Here are a few pictures after we demolished the walls. The upper floor is on supports now. Amount of rubble from the inside. Next the bricklayers came in and built the extension. We removed the wall between the extension and the cottage. We will keep you updated on our progress. The next phase will be putting in the support beams and then preparing the floors and finishing the extension. Watch this space!